Recruiting campaign volunteers

If you're in the position of generating unheard-of vote totals from Democrat precincts, then the only way to accomplish that goal is through the active, ongoing involvement of people. Lots of them.

Remember that when you're asking people to help, you must have a specific task in mind. If the relationship is to succeed, people must buy into your plan and recognize their part in it.

Sources of prospects

Republican clubs and organizations. This is why a candidate should appear at every Republican event possible. Give special attention to those clubs and events in wards and counties where Republicans don't normally win. Those folks are looking for a candidate to get excited about!
Same goes for Tea Party groups. Most are disaffected Republicans with a simple motto: Stop the spending.
Family members of supporters and donors.
Former activists who might be convinced to get involved again.
They have a vested interest in your success.
Officeholders and community leaders. Often a county or city officeholder will view chairmanship of your election effort as a steppingstone to political advancement.
Leaders of other organizations
They're experienced but they have time on their hands; they're looking for ways to spend it productively.
Service club rosters. Often a speaking engagement with the local Rotary or Jaycees earns a roster of that club's members.
Fraternal orders
Neighborhood associations
People who have a reputation for getting things done in the community.