What we're about
We view this as our last chance to get it right.
Our goal is to empower Republicans in the metropolitan areas, where Republicans stand to gain from Trump's regular-guy popularity. We’ll deploy our campaign and recruiting know-how to marshal support with a back-to-basics approach that will close the margins in those areas. This means more wins statewide and in marginal districts. Which means we'll retake the Senate and bolster the House majority.
We believe we offer exactly the right solution at precisely the right moment in history. The much-anticipated 2022 GOP "wave" fizzled. Turns out money didn’t matter. Time to get back to the fundamentals.
The Cook Political Report regards 366 of 435 House seats as "safe" (193 R, 173 D). Of the remaining 69, 40 are Democrat. Yet 35 of those have partisan profiles that Republicans routinely won during the Reagan years. What changed? In our view it was the 1990 census and computerized redistricting, plus the culmination of Nixon's "southern strategy" that switched conservative Democrat Southerners to the GOP. Since then, Republicans haven't had to win the tough races. And it shows.
Most competitive districts lie at least partly in metropolitan counties where there's barely a Republican presence. The typical metro-party infrastructure exists only on paper with a slate of candidates best described as sacrificial lambs. The resident GOP officials typically offer no apologies: they're outnumbered and financially dwarfed. They get no outside help because no one thinks they can win, so why try?
We've seen the results: huge Democrat margins in the metro counties that have ruined the candidacies of Republicans running statewide. More than anything else, this is why Republicans languish in the Senate minority and struggle with a barely workable House majority. Surrender is not a strategy.
The polling tells us there's a new political generation of Americans (“Republicans who don’t know it yet” in Ronald Reagan’s words) who will respond to the appeal of strong borders, safe neighborhoods, rising wages and school choice. However you can't deliver a message without messengers.
The first step is to get every candidate in the cities singing from that same sheet of music. (This is how the Democrats do it!) Then we’ll intercede on their behalf with major donors and PACs. If the state or national GOP has a promising metro-county program, we’ll get candidates to work together and implement it. People want to be involved in a winning effort. Even candidates who know they won’t win will want to join in. We’ll help reignite the ward committees and Frederick Douglass Republican clubs. We’ll get everyone in the R universe to cooperate on an effective (and crucial!) absentee-chasing and voter-turnout campaign. We’ll know we’re successful when we see a noticeable percent of early voters standing in line with red Republican slate cards.
Why would someone listen to us? Credibility. We arrive in person with prior research and knowledge of local politics. We demonstrate our long experience in difficult campaigns. Our business cards list a street address and a phone number that is (gasp!) answered by a person. In many states we’ll provide a long list of GOP donors, to help candidates get started asking for money and help. We offer obvious value.
Who we are
Just a couple of guys who understand the stakes involved this year and have volunteered to do their part.