The plan
Take advantage of Trump's demonstrated appeal in the metropolitan counties. And then move the needle by appealing to those voters in as personal a manner as possible.
- Get a Republican slate card into the hands of every
metropolitan-county voter. Not every household. Every
voter. And do it before they vote.
A slate card usually is a foldable mailer with a picture and appeal from the most popular Republican candidte (Trump!) along with mini-promotions of the other R candidates on the ballot. Usually there's a tear-off list that the voter can take to the polls.
- Marshal support for those in the "ground war" by helping to see that state and locaL GOP grassroots campaigns are properly organized and funded.
- to raise enough money to mail the slate cards. Convince donors this is worth every penny of the cost. Far more valuable that multimillion-dollar attack ads. More precise that digital marketing because we'll know exactly who and how many we reach.
- to get buy-in from R candidates, whose participation is crucial to our success.
- to help candidates organize the R activisits in those precincts to spread the Republican message to those who've never heard it before.
- to provide the targeting and recruitment data they need to succeed.
It is likely that most voters in these areas have never heard from a Republican before. Neither a mailer nor a call nor a sign in their neighborhood. That's because these precincts have been no-go zones for Republicans who've decided their resources are better expended in the suburbs.
Except that times have changed.
- The abortion issue will make it harder for Republicans to build their margins in the leafy suburbs.
- Meanwhile Trump is polling better among minority groups than any President since ... Abraham Lincoln!
This tectonic change has shifted the political sands. The vast Democrat political wastelands of the cities can no longer be ignored. Venture into those areas and we'll find what the polls already have shown: Democrat failure has created a population of malcontents ready to hear the Republican message of opportunity and good government.
Lincoln has spoken to us through the ages
“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.”
We'll know we're successful when ...
... we see metropolitan-county residents in early-voting lines holding Republican slate cards. Where there were none before.