Frequently asked questions

We understand the stakes involved this year and have volunteered our time, money and talents. We're neither consultants nor "strategists" (whatever that means). In our experience the Republican election system has squandered too much on safe incumbents without competing for traditionally-D votes. And the results show it. So we're offering a back-to-basics approach in the areas Republicans most need it. The objective is to move the needle.

We view this election as our last chance to get it right.

Yes. here it is

Because it's hard. And in the consultants' union hall that is today's GOP, there's no money in it. And because, in our view, the large-county GOP leadership has only recently come to the realization that Donald Trump is the best product they've ever been given to sell. He changes minds. He moves the needle.

Actually it's cheap when you compare it to the tens of millions that will be spent in, say, Pennsylvania by well-meaning donors on super PACs. There are two million registered voters in Philadelphia and Allegheny counties (Philly and Pittsburgh) combined. Mailing each a well-composed Republican slate card would cost about 60 cents a package. $1.2 million. That act alone, if it moves the needle by only two percent, would carry the state for Trump and US Senate candididate Dan McCormick.

Get the slate cards out to all voters. But first ensure they're getting to early- and absentee voters BEFORE they vote. If GOP does that and nothing else, it would be a historic contribution.

It's a mailer that lists all the Republicans on the ballot. The most important races are highlighted and the most popular candidate (in the cities it would be Trump) featured most prominently.

Of course. As long as they're paid. Which is why they don't. Their cash-trapped clients haven't the money. They'd probably be interested in producing the slate card. As long as there's money to pay them.

Then the candidates themselves need to take matters into their own hands. Which is why we always call the candidate first. They're the ones in the arena. They're the ones with their names on the ballot and the most at stake.

Hate to break the news but most large-county GOP organizations are preoccupied with raising enough money to pay their staff and office rent. "Political work", strangely enough, is secondary.

Think about all the warning signs: the national debt, China, crime and open border are a few. And then think what feckless, left-wing government will do to worsen these. We're in a far more dangerous position than we were eight years ago when we were facing the prospect of a Hillary presidency.